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Seated: V. Ports. Program Chairman; E. Lamadrid. Secretary; G. Jemison, President; F. Morgan, Treasurer; J. Dorsey. Publicity Chairman. SI~ndin9: B. Liltle. Interr~"i~l Chairman: A. Clendening. Ch~irm~n of Reli_ gious Emphasis Week; M. West, Community Servke Chairman; M. Little. Music Chairman: V. Voorhees, Membership Chairman. As an organization seeking to apply gious Emphasis Week with Dr. Mark Depp. Christian ideals to campus life, the Student All students and faculty members are Christian Association sponsors a variety welcome to the activities of this organiza- of activities throughout the college year. tion, as its membership is non-exclusive. Besides the regular Wednesday evening Largely student-planned and directed, the devotional services, this group has held programs offer to those interested an op- parties and dances, has backed the World portunity for active participation in wet- Student Service Fund and the Clothing ship services and discussions. Drive, and has organized units of student During the past year the major emphasis volunteers to work at the New Windsor in the local association, as well as in the Clothing Relief Center. larger Student Christian Movement, have Other highlights of the SCA year, begin- been Christian faith, Christian heritage, ning with a cabinet retreat before the growth of persons, social responsibility, opening of the fall semester, have been and world relatedness. These themes have the Hallowe'en Dance, the Whitfield- been carried out with the cooperation of Swomley conscription debate, the organi- the Sunday School and the International zation of dormitory groups and their meet- Relations Club to provide a well-rounded ings in faculty homes, special faculty year's program of worship, study and dis- nights at Fireside Fellowship, and Reli- cussion, fellowship, and recreation. 71
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