Page 67 - YB1946
P. 67
lust prior to the Christmas vacation Come spring, one is bound to see here every year badminton takes over the on the campus many co-eds participating .. sports calendar. This game, always popu- in that well-liked sport-tennis. Many lar, draws many prospective players. Be- talented players meet each year to com- fore any games are played instructions in pete for highest honors. During the spring badminton techniques are given for the benefit of those who have had no previous the players practice in order to be ready experience in playing. The players are for the annual tournament which is held then entered in intra and inter-class tourna at the end of the season. At this time, men Is, which are played to the final through a planned series of matches. the winner. losing contestants are eliminated until The 1946 season ended with these re- ultimately the star tennis player has be- sults: Freshmen champ, A. Birkholz. with come the victor. Although all of us can N. Keigler runner-up; Sophomores, S. Smith followed by B. Armiger; Juniors, M. not be victorious. we all derive much en- Cassen and N. Pumphrey; and Seniors, J. joyment from merely playing the game. Beall and E. Dunning, runners-up for the And this is the primary purpose of any championship. sport here on the "Hill"! E. D
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