Page 70 - YB1946
P. 70
For three years, since 1943, Western mer, Don Brohawn, and Ernie Leap, com- Maryland has been forced to minimize its pleted the squad. inter-collegiate athletic program because The courtmen finished the second sem- of military necessity. The first semester ester with a record of 9 wins and 4 losses. of 1945-46 saw very few men on the cam- The climax of the season came in the pus, but soon returning vets began to Mason-Dixon tournament. The seventh- bolster the male population. Included place Terrors defeated fourth-place Gal- among the first to return were coaches laudet in the opening affair, 49-39. On the Charles Havens and Bruce Ferguson. second night the under-dog team from The first major inter-collegiate sport on Westminster polished off second-place the Hill to benefit by the return of veterans Loyola, 50-35, as American U moved into was basketball. During the first semester the finals. In the finals American U de- a fighting group of youngsters fought their feated the Terrors, 50-39. hearts out, only to lose 7 in a row. A great One of the outstanding players for the reversal came about at mid-semester when Green Team was Al Jacobson, who scored eight vets joined the squad. They in- 40 paints in the three play-off games. The cluded John Adamovich, Walt Piavis, Paul other four starters were Adamovich, Pia- Zlonkevicz, Al Jacobson, Al Paul. Carroll vis, Thompson, and Zlonkevicz. Wallace, John O'Hara, and Al Resnick. The Spring sports felt the mark of returning vets, along with Joe Thompson, Dick Pal- men as the campus welcomed Dick Haus- 64
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