Page 62 - YB1946
P. 62
Parker and Todd Marie Parker, B.S. Hoselda Fowler Todd, A.B., A.M. More and more Ihe world is realizing will lake their place in the student's leisure the imporlance of good health 10 a satis- time activities of the future. The sense of factory way of living. In connection with fair play which is fostered in all forms of this realization, adequate exercise is recreation is carried over with unsur- recognized as a prime requisite to a sound passed value into other patterns of be- body. Physical education teaches the havior. Participation in active sporls re- student how to obtain this exercise sen- laxes minds and nerves tensed from study. sibly yet enjoyably. Group sports are The development of the body cannot be taught and individual skills developed that ignored in a program of full education. 56
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