Page 57 - YB1946
P. 57
Sealed: Dean Free. E. Baker. M. Seltzer. H. Lewis. C. Schumann. i. Cummings. j. Barnes. Standing: !C. Haddaw~y, J. Gorsuch. r. Daughtrey. E. Coale. M. Parsell, M. Hillyard. D. Scott. I. Van Fossen, N. Keigler. D. Jacobson Under the sponsorship of Dean L. For- Lewis is the vice-president, and the secre- rest Free, the members of the Camera Club tary-treasurer is Mindelle Seltzer. have as their objectives: to learn the art Meetings of the organization are held of taking pictures and of developing nega- bi-weekly on Friday nights in either Dean tives, and to interest amateur photog- Free's home or McDaniel Lounge. These raphers in the technique of snapshot- meetings are open to all students, so that taking. One of the projects of the Camera they may benefit from the movies or the Club this year was the making and selling speakers on the program. Sometimes there of snapshot Christmas cards. are lechnicolor movies or slides on the This club, which consists of approxi- tricks of photography. When a speaker mately eighteen members, is under the is present, the meeting is usually accom- presidency of Catherine Schumann. Harold panied by a lea. 51
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