Page 52 - YB1946
P. 52
Smilh-Irkks01 cilnning Daisy Winifred Smith, B.S., A.M. Helen Elizabeth Gray, B.S., M.S. Corinne Troy Schofield, B.S., A.M. The successful management of a home jects will yield valuable information and is an art which requires knowledge and develop priceless skills. skill in a number of spheres. The home- In this age of specialization, home maker must be versatile, if she is to ex- economics contributes to many vocations. ploit all the opportunities of making her Courses in institutional management and house attractive, comfortable, and effi- quantity cookery supplement instruction cient. She will encounter problems in de- in nutrition for those who are interested signing and arranging, in budgeting and in dietetics work. Designing and dress- purchasing, in entertaining and caring for making furnish other opportunities for children; she will need to be carpenter, plumber. and electrician. But more than specializing. All the world must eat, be anything else, she must be proficient in clothed, and participate in home situations. her two special realms, cooking and sew- Therefore the world will always welcome ing. From the point of view of anyone the services of those .who can provide who anticipates the care of a home, the good food, attractive clothing, and ways study of home economics and related sub- of achieving happy home life. 46
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