Page 48 - YB1946
P. 48
First Row: C. Marshall. J. Divers. S. Yamaguchi. M. A. Taylor, C, Schumann. R. Shuckhart. Second Row: M. Wilson. S. Leese. A. Glockler. L. J. Stoner. P. Barrett. Dr. Innogle. E. Dashiell. Third Row Dr. Bertholf J. Bran!. B. Miller. A. Fullerton, S. Noll. W. Baker. M. Silvey. B, BIitner, Mr, Bennighol Bela Bela Bela The Alpha Mu chapter of Beta Beta Beta The first awards went to Alice Kuhn '45 seeks to participate in the national purpose and Marie Wilson '46, who studied at the of the organization-"to stimulate sound Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods scholarship. to promote the dissemination Hole during the summer of 1945. This of scientific truth. and to encourage in- year the scholarships were won by Ann vestigation in the life sciences." Fullerton and Betty Miller, both of whom Alpha Mu is proud of its faculty advisor. Dr. 1. M. Bertholf, for at the convention plan to attend Woods Hole. held in St. Louis this year he was elected Tn-Beta has its lighter aspect in addi- president of the national organization, suc- tion to its serious function. Two initiation ceeding Dr. C. E. McClung of the Univer- ceremonies, a Christmas party, and the sity of Pennsylvania who died in Novem- traditional spring picnic at Cascade Lake ber, 1945. Since 1941, Dr. Bertholf has round out the calendar of activities. been vice-president to the northeastern The officers of this year are: Marie Wil- region. son, president; Doris Boone, vice-presi- One of this club's proudest accomplish- dent; Catherine Schumann, secretary; ments was the establishment of the Milton Evelyn Dashiell, historian; and Dr. Ber- Hendrickson Scholarship Fund last year. tholf. treasurer. 42 .', ;
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