Page 61 - YB1945_Classical
P. 61
TO THE CLASS Of 1945: Every year students insist on graduating and the ALOHA requests a word of greeting to the Seniors as though it were an easy thing for us to say good-bye . .It is far more con- genial 10 us to welcome incoming students into our midst than to say "aloha" to the Seniors. for four years you have held gradu- ation as your objective and soon you will realize with R. L. Stevenson that "it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive." Now that you have arrived {and we would not want it otherwise) we can testify that we have en. PRESl!JF:NT Fnsn GARIllGUS HOLLOWAY joyed the travel with you more than the A.B., B.D., D.O., LL.D. arrival. That is because we have known yOll for four years and when we learn to know you Lest, you slip oway from us. The jour- ney together has (at least for us) been a pleasant one and there is no satisfaction for us in your going except that you have arrived and larger opportunities call you. It is in the confidence that your years on College Hill have fitted you better to face the future that we extend to your our deepest wishes, looking forward to what we hope will be frequent visits to the Alma Mater who will always be proud of you and anxious For your return. Fred G. Holloway Winifred.J. Holloway MRS. Fnen C. HOLLOWAY 53
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