Page 60 - YB1945_Classical
P. 60
These are the times in which the leaders education are faced with a serious challenge. whole college program must hc rc-adjustcd to meet the urgent needs of the day. .More numerous than ever aloe the problems demanding immediate soln- tlon. We have seen with what wisdom and porsevernnce the adminiarmeora of 0111' own college have 1J1t~ttbis challenge. They have planned and ear-t-ied out a pro- gram under which every student IIIHy have a r-ich nnd well-halancod college career, They have taken up the burden of such IH'oblellls as acceleration and r-ation- ing hrought forth. We are grateful uot only for efiicient leaderalrip and scrvtee, hut also for the fine spirt of frien~lIiness which hue ehur-aeter-izcd the admiuiau-ation, faculty, and staff. It is this spirit which has made our f~ol- lege a r-eal a/nUl mater. Even after our college days are over, we will still look with petde to he" achieve- ments, We know that with such capable leadership she will answer well the challenge of the future, 57
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