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Fred Garrigus Holloway, A.B., B.D., O.D .. LL.D. Pres,:denl Frank Benjamin Hurt, A.B., A.M. Assistant Professor of Potiueal: Science Alvey Michael Isanogle, A.B., A.l\·l. Dean of the School 0/ Education and Pro- fessor of Education: Hcntlri"ksoll Isabel Thompson Isanogle, A.B., B.E., A.M., Munge Ph.D. SI·i<:cr Assistant Prolessar of Biology WiII~ John Bayley Jones, A.B., S.T.B .. S.T.M. l nstructor in Sociology Paul Franklin Kuhns Speciai Insuuctor ill Economics Lawrence Calvin Little, A.B., A.M .. Ph.O .. D.O. Frc<: Professor oj Philosophy and Religion erny John Donald Makosky, A.B., A.M. Professor of English Elizabeth Johnson Marshall Speoiai tnstruetor ill. Medwnicd DrC/wing Thomas Frederic Marshall, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Edwin Clair Mirise, A.B., B.S.L.S., A.M. Professor of Library Science Evelyn Lelia Mudge, B.S., Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Education: Grace Cordia Murray, B.Mus., i\UVlus. l nsuuctor ill Music Marie Parker, B.S. Assistant Prolessar 0/ Physical Educotiou Hilrlebran George Joseph Richards, j r., B.S., Captain, lnfanu-y Assistant Profes.wr oj Mihwry Science and Tactics William ·Robbins Hidington, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Associate Projessor of Classics Addie Belle Robb, B.S., A.M. Assistoui Professor oj History Philip Samuel Hoyer, A.B., A.1"1. Assisunu Professor 0/ Mn.~ic Warn
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