Page 36 - YB1945_Classical
P. 36
HELEN GALE LODGE BELTSVILLE, M.D. They just don't come any better than Gale-capuble, winy, and versatile. Dell presi- dent, "M" girl, tennis champ, class treasurer, and Student Government Honor Chair- man. Gale's quiet and unassuming personality is charged with sentiment, under- standing, and humor. Cf-fARLOrI'E LOUISE l\'!AcCONNEY 4404 CHATHAM ROAD BALTIMORE 7, MD. A home ee. major soon to put her profession into practice. A proud Sigma with a stylish ~ir, Mac's always ready for a bridge game anywhere or any time. Possessor of one of the bunks in McDaniel Hull. Her one weakness is red hair. ELIZABETH FAY MAcDONALD WINI)Y Acnes REISTERSTOWN, MI), fay came in her junior year as a transfer from St. Mary's Seminary. A homo cc. major, a lively Delt, and. full of fun. Fay is happiest when she's Oil the go. JANTCE ELIZABETH McKINLEY HANCOCK, MD. Loyal post-prexy of the Sigmas and charming member o] the May Court, Janice with her witty and amiable manner is a favorite with her colleagues. As a music student her interests range from the aesthetic to tennis and bridge. Janice has spent much of her four years explaining the whereabouts of one Hancock. 31
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