Page 32 - YB1945_Classical
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MAY VIRGINIA HONEMANN ,3456 PARK HEIGHTS AVENUE BAL1'IMOHE 15, MD. "Fufly't-c-enthusinstic Dell-intelligent, attractive, and clever. Always caught day- dreaming. Part of Western Maryland's Honemann tradition. Secretary of Tri-Beta, conscientious student. When she misses the Dean's List it's always by three points. May is fun-loving, understanding, and sincere-a fricnclto be proud of. LILLIAN JACKSON 1221. WAS1TlNGTON BOUU:VARD BALTIMORE 30, MD. 5' Vz" of personality plus, Lit has varied interests on the Hill including S.C.A., the College Choir, Iota Gamma Chi, Trumpeters, and Religious Emphasis Week. She continued her high school journalism career by becoming editor of the Cold Bng in her sophomore year. Famous for her scale ascending giggle, she represents W.M.C. ill Who's Who and Oil the Motive Editorial Board. EDWARD CLTF'fON JUSTIC~, JR. 111 T£NHI STRRf:T CRISFIELD, MD. A member of the Hospians, and Men's Student Government, Ed has proved that the Eastern Shore can really tum them out. He will always be remembered for his work in dramatics-his true love and future profession. An F.T.A., he plans to teach a few years, then study for a master's in dramatics with the legitimate stage as his goal. KATHERINE MARGARET KAISER 2229 RAMSAY STREET BALTIMO~E 23, MD. The flash of a light, the click of a camcra, and there's Kay-taking another picture for the ALOHA. Photography is her favorite hobby, but science holds her main interest. Plans 10 teach in the fall. Good dancer, good student, and loyal friend. 27
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