Page 40 - YB1945_Classical
P. 40
RUTH ISABEL MILES 2 STEWART AVENUE NUTLEY 10, N. J. Memories of Ruth involve S.C.A., Argonauts, Trumpeters, MeDaniel Hall, Student Government, Iota Gamma Chi, Who's Who, and an engagement ring. Her energy, capability, and willingness explain her achievements. Her genuine love for Western Maryland has a contagious nature which infects all who work with her. In a career of sociology, general or family, she'll win success. EARL WESLEY MOREY 2732 Hueo AVENUE BALTIMORE 18, MI). Argonaut, Who's Who member, two years our college postmaster, ex- President of the Wesleyans, leader in the S.C.A. and member of Student Activities Council and Gamma Bela Chi fraternity, this quick-thinking pre-ministerial student plans to enter Yale Divinity School inuucdiately after graduation. Earl has more than a "Little" interest ill Philosophy. JOHN ANSON MOTE INDIAN SCHOOL WArIPETON, N. OAK. This tray-totin' transfer from University of Arizona is a familiar figure leading the singing with his excellent tenor voice at Fireside Fellowship every Sunday night. Member of the Wesleyalls, choir, and orchestra, Jack plans to make music his life's work. MADELINE ELIZABETH MYERS # ROUTE 6 W£Sn.'IINSTER, Mo. Madeline-a day-hop from the hills of Carroll County. A careful, thorough student, graduating: with honors. Persevering and patient-good traits for a future teacher of history and English. Friendly disposition belies her red hair. 35
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