Page 144 - YB1945_Classical
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THE CHARLES CARROLL HOTEL I Ownership Management "Your Week-end Guests Are Welcome" WESTMINSTER MARYLAND Murphy, Anne Christine 6416 Sefton AVIl.,· Shiubum, Margaret J\ladalinc R.r.D. No.2, Baltimore 14, 1\1:;1. Hagerstown, i\!d Newcombe, Frances i\'lunro 3214 Porter St., .N.W., Shipley, Alice l\lildred Poole Rd .. Westminster, Md. Wnshington 8, D. C Silcox, Gladys Jean 80 a'1ain Sr.. Keyport, N . .1. Nichols, Margaret Scot! 182 Of chan I Rd., Matilda Boker 1\lcCollnellshurg. ?a. Newark, oe. Dorothy Lewi~ 4801 Norwood Ave., O'Kelly, Mary Rlllh 4609 Hempncu Ave .. Baltimore 7, Md. Baltimore 14, Md. 6711 45th Sr., On cal, June Wood 3 Kings Road, Netcong, N . .I. Chevy Chase 15, l\[d. Parris, Mary LOll 24 Liberty Parkwuv, Smith. Sarah Elizabeth Church Hill, ~hl Baltimore 22, ,1;1<1 Smith. Sarah Virginia Sudlcrsvllle, Md Parsell, Miriam Ann 36 Sea View Ave., 1\1,1. Ocean Grove, N. J Somerville, jea" Lee Darlingllm, Patterson, Jeanne Maric 4403 Sth St., N.W., Apt,., Westminster, 1\1<.1. Washington 11, D. C. High Itidg" l{d .. Piltman, Hildegarde Belly LOll 3957 Cloverh;11 Rd., Elltcou City, ~H. Baltimore 18, I\hl. Stein, Norah Jeanne 309 First Ave., South. Pyle, Anne Amelia 4618 Highland Ave. llcll'csdn, 1\1J. ce, Burnie, Md. Hay, Fern Annette 1537 Marshall Sr., 666 Prospect St., Maplewood, N . .I. Baltimore 30, Md. 508 E. Main Sr., Hee,·cs, Lilla Varcue Forest Hill, Md. Westminster, Md. Rcsh. Anne Currcusou Windy Hill. Kingsville, 1\1d. :\hl. nevel, Kathleen Pembroke, North Carol ilia Md. llic!y, Maude Wilhelmina 619 S. Barton sr., Tarlo" ls., iII,!. Arlington, V3. 8235 Old Philadelphia lld .. Roberts, Belly hoc 505 Magnolia Av~ .. ltuspchurg. Bahimcre 6, Md. Frederick, :\"\11. T,·oui. Margaret Elizabeth White Hall, i\ld. Roberts, Doris Inglehurt I\.F.D .. wesunhurer. ro.ld. Tull. Jean Ell c)!] 217 i\"\orri$ A,·c., F~dcralsbL1rg. 1\1<1. Rubinson, Mary Ellna 112 N. Ellwood A,·('., 'l'unle, Baltimore 24, Md. Shidcy Oi$hop Queenstown, Md. Ttogers, Elinor Dulany 714 Evesham Ave .. Helen Kath"rinc Blue Ridge Summit. I'll. Bahimcrc 12, ]\1<1 H.,]cn Estelle New i\"1arket, ~ld. Hess, Virginia Louise 605 Washington Avc., Wllilis. Vaug],an 300 W. Hawthorne Hd .. Hagerstown, Md Linthicum Heights, i\ld. Royer, Ruth Christine 3 Rid::e BtL, Westminster, Md. Weeks, Hazel Edith 5703 Cross Country Blvd., Sansbury, Marjorie Lane Frielldship, 1'1'1,1. Bnltimore 9, Md. Santini, Dorothy Margaret Burtonsville, "Id. Wilder, Dorothy Louise 4802 Illinois Ave .. N. W., Sassaman, BUI.h Elizahelh Havre de Grace. Md. Washington 11, I). c Sause, Gladys Elaine 2217 Chesterfield AH .. Marie Nanticoke, i\1tL Baltimore 13. )1t1. Cail 310 CMino Ave., Cranford, N . .r. Sauter, Ida Elizabeth 6748 WindsM Mill I1d., Wilter, Martila Virginia 100 Park Dr. Ballimore 7. Md Schilke, Eleanor Harriet 18 Cooper Sr., Catonsville 28, Md. Westmont, N. J. Woodfield, Ruth Galesville. l\!d. Schlag. Gludys 7905 Elmhurst A,·c., Hahirnore 14, i'rlrl Wright, Helen Basking Ridge. N. 1. lIv~ .. SCOll, Dorothy Gertrude 110 Franklin St., Wymer, Helen 312 Buckhannon W. v; Kc",sil)gton. Md. Clarksburg, Helen Louise Clarksville, i\td. Yumaguchi, 1\"tll Shiw 47 West. 51 sr.. Mildred Rosalie 2 Edgevnle I1d .. N. Y. 19, N. Y. Towson 4. Md. Zin, Doris Pan .')500 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda, Md.
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