Page 40 - YB1944
P. 40
Dryden Dyson Eckhardt GRACE DRYDEN AGNES DYSON 804 Market St. Ironsides, Md. Pocomoke, Md. She's vice-president of W.A.A. and a dean's A gracious Southern Marylander with beautiful lister, with a major in just about every subject offered at W.M.C. Her major interest is air- hair that was never sacrificed to the scissors. planes. Sinatra and the Marines run close One of the brains and a major in sociology, seconds. Spanish ancestry is evident in her Grace is the Phi Alph secretary and an all- fiery temperament and dark skin. With di- ploma in hand, back she'll go to southern round good sport. The Navy has stolen the Maryland. heart of this redhead. JEANNIE ECKHARDT Glyndon, Md. One of the accelerated members of the class, Jeannie is personality plus! She is a home ec and sociology major, ever ready for a good time. A member of the Phi Alphs, Jeannie will be remembered for her winning smile. 34
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