Page 36 - YB1944
P. 36
Carter Chi Clarke ANN CARTER EN TAO CHI B 10 Niu Chiao Wan, Pei Tsung Pu Huntung Centreville, Md. Peking, China Our representative from far-off China who has Small and quiet, yet endowed with a subtle dry easily adapted himself to the ways of the New humor, Ann is another of the Shoremen. She World. Andy's main interest centers around has ability in languages and is acting treas- physics. Prexy of the Camera Club and origi- nator of the Chess Club, he became professor urer of the French club. Her favorites-music, of the Chinese class for one semester. Would her family, and candy bars-particularly "Oh like to be a politician when he returns to his Henry." native land. DOROTHY CLARKE Sykesville, Md. Dottie, our lone representative from Sykesville, is a Music-English major with a decided interest in dramatics. The Argonauts count her among their number, as does the college orchestra. An education student, Dottie is enthusiastic about her teaching, and plans to enter that field next fall. 30
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