Page 39 - YB1944
P. 39
R. Davis Deeds Dieffenbach RUTH DAVIS JEANNE DIEFFENBACH Monrovia, Md. Boyce Ave. and Greenwood Rd. "Hilda Matilda" is the name tag for this wee Ruxton, Md. lassie. Her major is economics. A member of As long as there's "Dieffre" there's a smile. the Phi Alphs, "Hilda's" hobbies are knitting, Witty, quick on the draw, her infectious laugh- dancing and "going to Earl's." That expression ter can be heard anytime, anywhere. Prexy "Pardon me" is always on the tip of her tongue. of the Delts first semester, member of the W.A.A. Board, and, last, but not least, fire chief of Blanche Ward. Favorite color-Navy Blue! HOWARD CLARENCE DEEDS, JR. New Windsor, Md. Howard came to W.M.C. after a year at V.P.I. One of the few February graduates, he will miss those long walks up the Hill every Satur- day night. Physics major and a whiz at radio. Has a "special interest" in Baltimore. Always responsive to a good joke. 33
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