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g~ cIIe/Una.H. 'kJ~ BALTIMORE, MD. Perennial associate editor and laboratory assistant . . . authority on dance orchestras and clothes . . . falsetto "jitterbug" smooth dancer ... intensely interested in campus life ready wit, always joking, innately serious ... militarist, biologist, racqueteer ... believes in purposeful living-that everything that is done should have a specific purpose-acts accordingly ... intends to become an Army surgeon (probably for revenge). BALTIMORE, MD. "Hep" ... women his obsession, ministry his profession .. stellar co-captain of the soccer team who is also a star intra- mural performer ... a leader in campus life-both fraternal and religious ... forever cracking old jokes and ever-ready to hear a new one ... has had much trouble finding a "real minister's wife" ... genial prankster and noise-maker of senior dorm. BEL AIR, MD. Thelma ... intelligence tempered with a subtle humor. firm in her convictions and always able to uphold them ... quiet and unassuming but thoroughly competent in many fields ... an interesting conversationalist ... the twinkle in her eye is a clear indication of her cheerful disposition ... fun- loving ... a willing helper ... likes chocolate milk and French ... her manner is refreshing-sincere. ,(J~ Malf 'kJei4luU;/l. UNION BRIDGE, MD. Vivacious, animated, variable ... soft black curls and an impish grin ... an individual way of expressing just what she feels . . . insists on music wherever she goes . . . seems to attend all the "hops" ... always ready to reveal the latest news to anyone within range of hearing ... for her, tests have the awful habit of piling up ... "Have you heard al::out John?" Sixty-nine 2}
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