Page 49 - YB1939
P. 49
#~M~.Pa#Uf WOODLAWN, MD. A pleasing medley of contradictions ... outwardly reserved and poised ... inwardly bubbling over with fun and mischief ... goes from the sublime to the ridiculous from philoso- phizing on life and love to rollicking mirth a delicate discrimination in dress ... studious yet socially active ... enters wholeheartedly into all that she undertakes ... repays every favor with, "I'Il dance at your wedding." #~'W~.P~ POCOMOKE CITY, MD. Jane ... pretty and naive with a broad Eastern She' accent ... easy to tease and just as easily provoked to laughter ... forever losing her glasses and hats ... spends five days of the week looking forward to the last two and "Ayal" ... remembered for-"now that would take away from the appreciation of the lesson." HAMPSTEAD, MD. Golden hair-perfectly kept ... frank and outspoken, with a lazy drawling voice joke-teller par excellence-a good antidote for the blues prefers "tomato juice with ice" to any other drink ... psychology and commercial subjects, her biggest interest next to Franny ... dreams of a home with antiques conscientious in her work, serene in her manner. C~ .PtuĀ«j FRUITLAND, MD. "El" to her friends ... conscientious and thorough ... is a . wiz with knitting needles and (we suspect) with other domestic pursuits-for isn't Gettysburg music to her ears? ... however, Salisbury and Ocean City hold their own ... a southern drawl that fascinates many and is as easy-going as the drawl would indicate. FortY'five
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