Page 147 - YB1939
P. 147
As is customary on the Hill at the close of intramural competition, an honor' ary varsity team was selected by the Women's Athletic Association Board to represent the college in two intercollegiate hockey games. The first game was played as part of the University of Maryland's play-day in October, at which time the local team defeated American University. Notre Dame College of Baltimore furnished the other intercollegiate competition in a game played on the Hill in November. The Terror "Misses" broke through the Notre Dame defense for four scores while they prevented a single tally from being marked up against them. Outdoor activity was the order of the day during the fall months. Archery and tennis were played on the campus while the nearby woods furnished an at, tractive background for hiking and horseback riding. The basketball season opened with the juniors seemingly headed for the championship, but the seniors and sophomores were hard to beat. The sup' posedly strong junior team faltered and the seniors and sophomores were again forced to playoff a tie for the title. This time, it was the sophomores turn to carry off the laurels. The varsity sextet selected at the end of the intramural season won over the Notre Dame coeds, 36,14, in a game played at Notre Dame in February. The honorary team was made up of three seniors, Julia Berwager, LuMar Myers, and Marjorie McKenney; one junior, Ruth Field: and two sophomores, Betty Brown and Ellene Edmond. While basketball was the major indoor sport during the winter months, snow and ice sports were being carried on out-of-doors. During the winter carnival, which was planned to celebrate the mid-year recess, ice skating was held at the nearby Cascade Lake and the slopes back campus teemed with activity as skiing and sliding were "all the rage." Before spring vacation, the volleyball tournament was played. The junior M GIRLS Myers, Heemann, Berwager, McKenney, Yohn, Timmons, Stout. One hundred [oriq-three
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