Page 144 - YB1939
P. 144
It has been the job of the physical education department to provide fa- cilities and organize competition for those men who do not participate in the so-called varsity sports. This year under the guidance of Professor Hugh Barnett Speir and Intramural Manager James Shreeve, the intramural activities on the Hill have been carried on with unusual success. The silver loving cup which is awarded annually to the organization compiling the most points in the fra- ternity, class, and independent leagues has aroused special interest this year for it seems destined to become the per- manent property of either the Alpha HUGH BARNETT SPIER Gamma Tau Fraternity or·the Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity, each of whom have won two legs on it. A sportsmanship cup is also annually awarded to that organization which displays best those principals for which the cup stands. This year the Preachers lost no time in taking the lead towards permanent possession of the athletic cup by easily winning the school touch-football cham- TOUCH-FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS Delta Pi Alpha One hundred forty
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