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fight by a technical knockout. The captain of the Army team, Ian Hull, won a close decision over Captain Bender. The sailors at Annapolis proved just as unaccomodating. The bouts were spirited but the "Navy fight" was too much for Charlie Havens' squad to handle. Joe Oleair returned to the ring for his only fight of the season and evened accounts with Midshipman Wallace, who had won a decision two years before, by winning the fight with a com' fortable margin. Joe Rouse, Reds Bender, and Dave Calhoun lost, but only by very close margins. The freshman ring team met the plebes on the afternoon of the varsity fight. Ricker continued his streak by winning his third fight of the year. Several freshmen showed promise, one of whom, Harry Baker, did exceedingly well. At New London, Connecticut, the Coast Guard Academy, the third service team to fight Western Maryland, defeated the Terror fighters, 7,1. Joe Rouse won by forfeit to give Western Maryland its only score. Bender, Calhoun, and Petrucci lost close decisions while Ricker lost his first and only bout of the season to the academy's star 135 pound repre- sentative. The final dual meet of the year took place at Bucknell. Ricker won the Green and Gold's only point of the evening as he ended a highly successful season. The Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Association of which Western Maryland is a member held their meet at Syracuse, New York on March 10,11. Joe Rouse and Dave Calhoun represented Western Maryland. Rouse was eliminated in the first round, but Dave Calhoun came through with a third place in the 165 pound class. Fourteen men took part in varsity competition this year. Of the fourteen, four seniors-Bender, Calhoun, Stonesifer, and Oleair-fought for the last time in Green and Gold colors. The remaining ten men will form the nucleus for next year's squad. Upon completion of the field house, more home meets will be scheduled and to those ten men the student body will look for victory at home. One hundred thiriu-one
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