Page 132 - YB1939
P. 132
CO·CAPT AINS WALLACE AND BARKDOLL A formidable soccer machine that swept through the ranks of its opponents to win the state championship last year was riddled by gradu- ation and the loss of its coach. Hal Wright, the new coach, was faced with the task of rebuilding almost the entire team. Co-captains Charles Wallace and John Barkdoll, Russell Smith, Sam Galbreath, and John Tomlinson were the only regulars to return. Filling in the numerous gaps with new freshman and sophomore talent, Coach Wright turned out a squad that performed creditably, winning five, losing eight, and tying one. The new material forecasts, however, capable soccer teams for several years to come. . After one day of practice, the Terrors met the powerful Towson Teachers aggregation and dropped a 3-0 decision. Towson later suc- ceeded Western Maryland as state champions. Executing an abrupt about-face from their first-game performance, the Terrors stormed the Salisbury Teachers' goal and copped a 5, I win. Back TOW, left to right: Mgr. Garrison, Dooley, Galbreath, Smith, Parks, Hahn, Bradley, Myers, Mgr. Ford, Coach Wright. Middle row, left to right: Shockley, Lewis, Windsor, Barkdoll, Wallace, Robinson, Elias, Tomlinson. Bottom row, left to right: Linton, Tarbutton, LcCompt, Kable, Day, Applegarth, Eckers. One hundred Iwenly-eighl
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