Page 138 - YB1938
P. 138
THIS year the women's athletic program has been a full one. Almostas soon as school opened sticks were golf clubs were courts were lined, targets were set In a women in the gay colored suits of their respective colors were competing for positions on the various teams. Keen competition and friendly rivalry were created by a comprehensive intramural schedule The freshman class won the hockey Mac- Ewen and Edmond were stand out There was a tie for second place between the juniors and seniors. also captured the basketball title, easily outplaying their older but less skillful upper class rivals. Second place was taken by the sophomores, and third position by the seniors. In volley- ball the freshmen were not quite so fortunate. The crown in this sport was won by the sophomores. The freshmen had to content themselves with second honors. As the "Aloha" went to press it seemed thai the baseball title would fall either to the junior class, because they have held it for two consecutive years, or to the ever-stronq freshmen aggregation. Since the tennis matches for class championships had not been played at the time this was written we could only guess at the outcome from the results of last year's play. The school champion of last season, Shirley Gosnell, did not return to the Hill this year, so no prediction as to title holder could be made. "Bert" Gosnell, sister of the school last year, should figure in the finals should also get into the play-offs The sophomore champ in '37 was Helen Frey. As Gosnell also won the freshman title before taking the school her runner-up, "Kitty" Jcckel. became the favorite in her class. Noteven a guess could be made as to the outcome of the freshman matches. It was quite possible that some un- First Row:--C. GompL THylor, Morri" Se<:ondRow:-H. Gcmpf (preolcient).MI.. Par~,.r, Cooper. Third Row,-Tlmm~n'. McKenney, Myers. Berwftger.
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