Page 136 - YB1938
P. 136
INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS WESTERN MARYLAND'Sintramural athletic program occupies a major posi- tion in extracurricular activities. Interfraternity and interclass rivalry is of such a nature as to make for keen competition and keener debate. All intramural activities are directed by an inter-club committee, headed by H. B. Speir, Professor of Physical Education, and Volkart of the class of '38. Each organization participating in the program membership in the committee. It is the function of this body to make up the schedules for the various sports, to determine eligibility rules, to provide impartial officials and to review all matters of general concern. The program is divided into three separate for the classes, and the third for independent groups. organization entering a learn in a given sport. Points are earned by zetton's standing in the league upon the completion of the schedule. points may be earned by a league champion if it defeats the champions of the other leagues in post-season play-offs The organization amassing the greatest number of points in the year-round program is awarded a silver loving cup. The club or class whose teams have shown the greatest evidences of sportsmanship is awarded a trophy presented by President Holloway. The winner of this award is selected by the representa- tive committee. The program includes competition in touch- football, basketball, volleyball, softball, track, and gol!. Facilities for activity in handball, gymnastics, and H. B. SPEIR Professor of Physical Education one hundred thirty· two
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