Page 128 - YB1938
P. 128
BASK AT the outset of the 1937-38 basketball cam- paign, Coach Ferguson had no visions of groom- ing a championship team. Shortly after mid- semester of last "Stan" Benjamin dropped out of school. had been one of the stars on the "Terror" quintet for three years and was high scorer of the team at the time of his withdrawal from college. "Joe" Uvanni and "Doc" Adriance, also regulars last year, failed to return to school this year. Developing replacements for these three was, of a problem. In addition to this Ferguson but scanty material in this year's Freshman class. Thus handicapped at the beginning of the training period, the "Terror" mentor was to be laced with other complications as the opening game approached. Far reaching changes had been made in the court game by CAPTAIN TOMICHEK the Rules Committee. were of such a nature as to speed up the game considerably The elimination of the center-jump put a premi- um on tall, rugged, Iast-breakinq, and fast- passing basketeers. Of Western Mar-y- land had few, and could not hope to match more rugged rivals. The opener against Frostburg State Teachers, found Captain Tomichek and "Hy" Koegel at guard lanky "Bob" Stropp at center, end and "Fred" Cae in the fore-
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