Page 123 - YB1938
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drive in the opening period, McQuillen passed to Stropp for the initial tally. Hansen con- verted. McQuillen and Peters contributed two touchdowns on pass interceptions deep in ene- my territory. At the conclusion of the sea- son five Terror regulars were honored for consistently superior performances throughout the season in being selected on the ell-ster selections of "Andy" Kirkpatrick, Craig Taylor, and Randall Cassell, Baltimore sports writers. Although outstanding back- field performers were scarce, Frank Sadowski, Terror field general, was picked with Meade and Weidinger of Maryland and Young of Weshtnqtcn College to form one of the best-rounded ell-state quartets of recent years. For .the second consecutive year "Tony"Ortenzi was unani- mously chosen for a guard posi- tion by all selectors. Next to "Tony" in the line throughout the regular season, and with him forming the bul- wark of the Terror defense, "Frosty" Peters was fittingly given the center post. "Steve" Radatovich and Paul Horner, "iron-men" tackles, stood out in a year which saw many capable performances in this position.
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