Page 124 - YB1938
P. 124
soc LED by Co-captains Belt and Martin, the Green and Gold soccer team, one of the finest aggregations seen on the Hill in regained the state championship. team, with a versttv composed almost wholly of seniors, displayed fine form and coordination throughout the sea- son, and won nine of the twelve games played. The squad was Jasper Jones, of the Seminary, who had seen var- sity service for two years prior to his ap- pointment as mentor of the boaters. Opening the season against Blue Ridge College on October 12, the "Terrors," after only a week's practice, won the game easily, 8-1. The second engagement, on October 16, was with the Johns Hopkins eleven. and again the Green and Gold sparkled in victory, making four tallies as Co-captains MARTINand BELT against two for the Blue and Black. Four days later the Jaspermen tasted. defeat for the first time when they were venquished on a muddy field by a strong University of Maryland 4-2. Towson State Teachers, one of the in state as usual, visited the Hill on 22. Again the locals broke into the win column, scoring three markers while they held the Teachers scoreless. SOCCER STARS IN ACTION!
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