Page 39 - YB1937
P. 39
ROBERT WOOD COE. Jr JANE CORKRAN TAli, reserved New Enghnder works And J.\ne tilt hOOby llrl intense blue eyes reveal plays d,serimtnAlingly truly cuuueed cosmo- inte~t In ""-ny th,"'ls 1Unte$ of songs. poIuan---ttlnvel'KS lmelllgentiYAbout the latest nollels, (0,",",1'1 ~ndence. "eekes. and symbohal plAY or the currently most popular spoons lenl'lis prefen-td no mleres! in subtle- uponent of swing gentleman of leisure tlf:$ many a &,,1 was born t03 blush unseen but !'lOt our Jane CAMMA BETA CHI. Oada'n 1_ Sa'lunl al·A ..... .f; Gold BUi Slaff_ AuiJlarl 111IIna,;nl TH£ u IV CLL'S Twuum.f; lnt"du6 Eina. 1, R~/JO"f' .f: FNlball I. t. B(u~I_"'1l CauMil J; I n/ur/au AtlfdicJ I. 1. 3. I; 1\' A I, 1; Y M C AI; Sunday Sel,O"/ J; '51,"'~n' A I }. J. .f: B.J~I_'all _\lana~' J. Hatte!.l Gortrnmtnl 1, 4; Junior PrJm Committ., .lIn'I«'.f. \I Gi,1 35
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