Page 42 - YB1937
P. 42
ALBER T I, DUNSTAN NAOMI ENFI ELD A capacity for looking senccs ....nen he's Ac", photograpner and ard",nt admirer of the pb.nning some m,sch,,,,r a whIZ wllh a camo:r:tl Spilnlsh Qnion-exaggerated runny-bone that is or in .. dark room abIlIty to command as well liable to cause howls of Slu upon almost any a.s to c:oopo:rato:----dl(:~s with Jar.:: a.s wtll a.s QC(:a.slon smger of ",ndl",ss, aJ!,,,,lus ba!lad5- tQ "an",ntlonl" rrank lI.S a dash of cold water. DELTA PI ALPHA. 4; Offiw. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA, Eli/or of JuJ!, 4; CI"J; ROT C. LI."t~n""tC"lon.i<>f 8"/lall,,,,; ICC. 4; AloN!. Staff, EJi/o, 4: FlHIl'"l/ I. 1: Tr".~ 1; 1,,'uClu6 C"u"dl 1. 4; Gold Bua Staff. R.po,tu 4: AIAldie, Aloha SI"ff 4 5"",.."01 EJilJt 1,1; W A A. I. 2: I"I.rIlolIllIIlIl R.I"lIonl CI,,6 4; Y. W C. A 1.1.1, 4: Su"J"!I SrAooll, 1. 1,4: Glu C/u6 I: CAoi, I. 1. AI P",tun.a 38
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