Page 35 - YB1937
P. 35
SARA BElLE BLACKWELL Trim curls sht,dowlIll1: m,r lerl eye big brown eY6 tlu.t lend expression to the efforu or her Iunds r.vente elCPfeSSIOn is-Hi Babe" likes beaunful clothes and luochecns in Westmlll$!er sec::~I"ry to the Eoghsh Depertrrent-peivare. or <:Ot.Ine c:oIleclor ofbrightle_lry. PHI ALPHA ,\IU. Swet"'J/ 3. ~; In'u,lu~ CGuntil 1: Aloha Sltd 1. ~: Gold Bug Sid I. 1. 1. 0/. ,.,,11:, Eli/ .., J. 0/: Inlun"lian,,1 Rtli/ldIU Clu' J. f. !'/eo Prallenl 4,. Sum/GJI Seltool'. 1. J. 4. !'{re-P,a,'ienl J. 4; Y. W. C. A 1,1. J, 4: IV. A A I. 1; jUflIG, P,om CGmm{/fn; Ar/ Clu'. Vic~-P'a( ~ RUBY MADALYN BLADES Shght, trim figu~-deAr. distinct enunc,atlon air or wistrul llBivetrhonor student actress abounding in ernolion&l ~pressioo La Galhenesque tOUIOlII'S I'ingenue ARGONAUTS J. 4. T'Uluru 4; Aloha Stoff. ll"fI~.Up £Ji/pr 4: Gold Bug 5/../. J, 4. Frahm Etlilnr J.f; Inferelou AIMell" I. 1; Coli.,. PlflJltu: Y. W. C. A 1.1. J. of; Sum/fiJi Sdl(w/I. 1. J; CJ.<,/t 1.1. J; Lt Cue'e F'flncdiJ 1.1. J. 4. Sn,oI"'JI 4; II' A A I. 1. J: jun/fl' Pum Commillu; No,monl Sptnh lI';n"",1 Pmky )1