Page 95 - YB1936
P. 95
men's tennis singles and in women's basketball and volleyball were won by members of the freshmen class. Men of the Class of '38 played varsity soccer and basketball, and they acquitted themselves favorably on rifle and baseball teams. In addition to those activities, the freshmen had a debating squad and a large membership in the choir and Sunday School. The Class of '38 has also distinguished itself both socially and scholastically. It has followed Western Maryland's traditions even to the paying of its Lantern Chain tribute to the seniors in spite of the rain. We as members of the Class of '38 were sorry when our first year closed Now we are sophomores! The sophomore class is a transitional stage through which a freshman must pass before he can become a junior. What he is during this transformation depends upon ability and opportunity. Whenever, during this year, the opportunity has offered itself, the ability of the Class of '38 has always been apparent. Whatever the activity, we have participated and have achieved success. Athletically, we point with pride to a sophomore football team, to sophomore soccer stars, and to sophomore boxers. Co-operatively. we supported the Field House Cam, paign. Socially, we were hosts at a Hallowe'en party and dance for the freshmen. Intellectually, we survived the Sophomore Comprehensives. But we hope that our best chance of being remembered as sophomores lies in the fact that we are good followers as well as present and potential leaders. 89
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