Page 67 - YB1936
P. 67
SIMEON VAN TRUMP MARKLINE DELTA PI ALPHA; Calhge O,eho./ra, I, 2, 3, 4; Band, I, 2, 3, 4; Y. 111. CA., /,2; SUllday S,hool. 2, 3. 4; Officers' Club; R. 0, T. C Captain. Balld; [nlra-Mu,al A/MeNrs, /,2.3,4. 'Mark' straiglllforward.blunL.andblloyam arrumceter pracricaljoker . likes to argue often seen at a corner table in the "Grill" chiefobjectsofconversation-ba5eballandlove ZAIDA CATHERINE McKENZIE ARGONAUTS, Secrelary. 4; Aloha Typ;ng Edilor; DdaunB.~; Choir. 1.2,3; Y. W. C. A" I, 2. 3. 4; W. A, A., I, 2; Ge,man Club. I; Hal/orable MenUon. /,2.3. 'Zaida'ยท. thecoidesl dayofwinlerwill find her onskiis. 11 spill just adds to the fun has an enviable sense of humor likes to read short stOrles likes even better to write them inde- pendent likes to tease 61
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