Page 45 - YB1936
P. 45
WILLIAM WILSON BRATTON DELTA PI ALPHA, Secretary, 3, Presidonl. 4; BET A BET ABET A. 3,~;TAU KAPPA ALPHA. 3.4, President ~; Inter_Frolunily Coundl, 4; Closs Presidenl, 3, 4; Aloha AdvuUsing Managu; Slu_ doni Govunmenl, 3, 4; D.ha/ing. 3; y, M_ C. A .. I; Sunday School. t, 2; Club; R. O. T. C. Lieulwanl-Colonel; Rifle 'Bill" a man of many interests and accom- plishments campus leader popular figure at the head of the Battalion. senior class. and his fraternity leads with tact rather than fo,ce. partial towards "pool." bridge. and swimming EDGAR ROBERT BROOKS ALPHA GAMMA TAU. Chaplain. 2. Vice-Pr..i. denl. 4; Inler.Fralernity Council. 3, 4: Closs Trcas- urer, 2; Aloha Associate Edilar; Gold Bug. J, 2. 3. 4- News Edltar, 3. A
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