Page 43 - YB1936
P. 43
HAROLD PAUL BI EHL PI ALPHA ALPHA. Treasurer, 4; BETA BETA BETA. Vlre-Prcsitlenl, 4; Band, f. 2, 3, 4: Orcheslra, I; Tnlra-Mural Alhlolic5.1; Bo:r;ng. 2. "Cotton' . blond thatched pleasant dis- positioned .. a consistent srudenr quick to See lhehumorinanysituation .. (rankinhiscriticisms .athisbest ina "bull" session. FRANCES LOUISE BIRELY w. W.; Col/ege Play"", 3; Chair, I, 2. 3; Glee Club. f. 2, 3; Orches/ra./,2, 4; Honorable Menliofl, 2,3 ambi- "Louise" vivacious intelligent - dramatic. tells stories in a way that is instinctively an animated way of walking, talking, and tious. living sings in a way that is instiru;tively melodious 37
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