Page 42 - YB1936
P. 42
EDWARD LaSALLE BEAUCHAMP GAMMA BETA CHI, Secretary. 3. Vice-Presidenl, 4. Pr •• idonl, 4; Inlor-Fra/ernily Coullcil. 3. 4; Aloha Busine.s Manager; Gold Bug Adverlisillg Manager, 2,3, Business Manager, 4; College Player •. 3. 4; Y. M. C. A.. I. 2; Irving Web.ler Soddy, I; Sunday School. I. 2; junior Prom Chairman; Officers Club; R. O. T. C. First Ueulenan/ Company "B'"; Assi.lanl Foolball Manag.r.I.2. Manager. 3.4; Boxing. I. 2; Tonnis. 1,2; lnlra-MuraIAtlr/elhs.I,2, 3. 4. . Ed". 'Beech' smooth" a dancer extra- ordinary a business manager of considerable repute ROBERT SIMPSON BENNETT Y. M. C. A .. I. 2, 3. 4; Sunday S,hoal. I, 2. 3, 4; Boxing. I. 2.3, 4; Ba •• bali. 2; Intra-MuralAllrleliCl, . Bob" a little feller reatherweight "packs a mighty wallop" in two small fists always ready to talk. darlCe. or pull a pun has a hearty laugh that. somehow. is contagious. 36
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