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THER activities having taken their toll, seven of the varsity O debaters of last season were missing at the first debate meeting in December. However, Professor Makosky, serving his first season as coach, was confronted with aspirants of all sizes and shapes from heavyweight "Joe" Oleair to 115 pound "AI" Gold, berg. As all the candidates were more or less experienced in the art of debating the period between December and the opening of the season was devoted almost entirely to amassing material. JOHN WARMAN During that period Doctors Whitfield and Schempp and Professor Chairman Hurt spoke to the debaters on the historical, economic, and govern- mental aspects of the question. Although the season itself was ushered in by a sleet storm it could not be called a "freeze out." The schedule was not ardous and the debates were enjoyed by those who participated. Most of the debates were of the non-decision type and also, unfortunately, of the "non-audience" type. The question debated this year was: "Resolved: that Congress should be impowered to over-ride by a two-thirds vote decisions of the Supreme Court declaring acts of legislation unconstitutional." Oleair, Goldberg, and Williams upheld the affirmative side of the question and Tyrrell. Nelson, and Warman the negative. SWing Branon Plummer, War· man. Daneker. Simpson. SlandinR Williams. Tyrrell. Malone. Jackson. Nelson 153
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