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HE Y. M. C. A. has purposed this year to carry out the following T principles: To be definitely, personally, radically Christian; to join in the endeavor to make real among students the life, principles, and teachings of Jesus in relation to individual lives, to racial. political, economic, national. international. and other aspects of our modern society on the campus and in the world; to give loyalty and committment EDGAR HOLLIS to Jesus Christ as preeminently the revealer of the character of God. Pr.sid~n/ We have attempted to achieve these aims through discussion groups, reading of books, bringing to our campus speakers and leaders who are well versed in their respective fields, exchanging programs with other schools, devotional meetings, conferences, and our fellowship suppers. The "Y" has earnestly strived to develop the three sides of its triangle: namely, the mental, moral. and physical sides of life. Our weekly meetings have been planned to develop the mental and the moral sides of life. Our participation in intra-mural athletics has furnished the development of the physical. We have aimed for the well rounded Christian Life. Warman. Stevens, Hcllis, Professor Bertholf, Dorrance. Corbin, Baer 148
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