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HE Y. W. C. A. is an organization to promote the social and Tspiritual welfare of the girls on the Hill. In addition to the development of character. the "Y" has, also, an important social function. Even before students arrive at college they come into contact with this organization through the letters they receive from their "big sisters" These "big sisters," who are chosen Linder the auspices of the "Y," make the freshmen feel that they MARY BARBOUR DIXON are real Western Marylanders. One of the first social events of the P" freshman's year is the "Y" picnic. In spite of the fact that rain made it necessary for this year's picnic to be held in the "Y" room, the freshmen consider it as one of their first "good times" at college. The second important day on the ''Y'' calendar is the night of the "Kiddy" Party. This is the night when the most sophisticated co-ed may yield to her latent desire to come forth in pigtails and short dresses. Equally zealous, but more serious, is the "Y's" attempt to make its annual bazaar better each year. The bazaar this year was notably successful. The "Y" holds weekly meetings in the "Y" room. It attempts to send delegates to all important youth conferences. This year a student was sent to the Quadriennal Student Volunteer Movement at Indianapolis. SiUing M. Hoshall. Rockwell. Hill. Dixon. Lansdale. Twigg, Carrara Standing Wheatly. Riley. Cook, Bennett. Myers. Groves. 149
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