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DEBATING Dehaling Council MEN'S VARSITY DEBATE SCHEDULE January 21 Me. St. Mary's March I Temple January 29 Sr. Thomas March 2 Waynesburg February 4 Mt. St. Mary's March 4 Washington Ccllcj ~ February 12 Shepherd State Teacher's March 9 Ursinus February 13 Blue Ridge College March II Westminster february 14 Shepherd State Teacher's March II Geneva February 15 Moravian March 12 Grove City Feb1-uary 19 Lebanon Valley March 19 Westminster February 20 Ursinus April 15 St. Francis February 22 St. Francis April 22 University of Marylan::! February 27 Catawba April 25 Juniata May 3 Dickinson MEN'S FRESHMAN DEBATE SCHEDULE February J 9 Baltimore City College February 21 Baltimore City College February 26 Western High School of Washington, D. C. February 27 Central High School of Washington, D. C. March !5 Eastern High School of Washington, D. C. March !8 Eastern High Schoo! of Washington, D. C. March 28 Western High School of Washington, D. C. QUESTIONS DEBATED Resolved: That the Federal Government should adopt the policy of annual grants to the several states for the equalization of educational cppor- turutres Resolved: That all nations should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and munitions. Resolved: That the United States Government should own and operata all munitions plants. Idamae Riley, W omen'5 Chairman WOMEN'S DEBATING SUMMARY SCHEDULING contests with such institutions as Pennsylvania State College, The American University, and the University of Maryland, the women's forensic council has met a challenging program this year. Misses Idamae 1. Riley, Manager of Women's Debate, Thelma M. Chell. President of the Debate Council. Rosalie G. Silberstein, Sally Price, Virginia Roberts, Cynth is E. Hales, and Ella Shank have comprised the debate squad. The climactic event of the season was the meet with Pennsylvania State College, on March 27th in which Misses Riley and Chell upheld the affirmative side of the question: Resolved: That the nations should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and munitions. After the debate, a reception was held in McDaniel Hall Lounge for all the men and women debaters and invited guests. 48
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