Page 49 - YB1935
P. 49
To quote last year's ALOHA, "So passed the year, a Aood of tender memories, and the Class of '37 moves on to the supreme heights of human wisdom-the Freshmen became Sophomores." Knowing everyone and being familiar with the customs of "The Hill." we found it very pleasant this fall to return after summer vacation. There has been a repetition of all the activities in which we took great delight. Pep meetings, football games, and dances have been a part of our fun. When we came back our first object was to properly initiate the Freshmen. As a result the Freshmen boys were seen about the campus wearing name cards and rat caps. However, the girls seem to have broken a tradition-the Freshmen girls were allowed to go uninitiated. Instead, we entertained the entire class at the HaJlowe' en dance. Since spring vacation even we "Sophs" have had a come down. After the Sophomore Comprehensives we have begun to doubt the truth of that statement about having reached "the supreme heights of human wisdom." As Sophomores we can't attempt to claim too many honors for our, selves-no one would notice them anyway. But we do hope that our presence on 'The Hill" may have been worth while in some way and that we can make it even more so in the coming two years. Sophomore Closs 45
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