Page 48 - YB1935
P. 48
OFFICERS GEORGE SP! EGEL President BEVERLY HARRISON Vice-President JOHN WARMAN Secretary PAUL RITCHIE Treasurer SUE SMITH Historian EDWIN WATERS Sergeant-ai-Arms CLASS HISTORY W HEN one thinks of history one usually thinks of something ancient and inactive, but not so when one speaks of the Class of '37. As "young hopefuls" we arrive on "The Hill" prepared to become the shining lights of the campus. The three days of OUf Orientation program which included the faculty reception and the "Y" hikes passed pleasantly in spite of the numerous placement tests. At the end of this period there was more in store for us than we had anticipated, however. With the arrival of the upperclassmen on Friday, we discovered we were no longer to be entertained; instead we were expected to entertain. Any hopes we had had of being shining lights were shattered then, as the "Sophs" so completely made us feel our place. Between that time and Christmas we were entertained at two informal dances by the Sophomore and Junior Classes. For the girls there was also the annual "kid party" given by the "Y." The boys were entertained by the Sophomores at a "paddling party," about which more details may be gotten from any boy in our class. In spite of all these entertainments our life on "The Hill" has not been devoted entirely to social activities. We have attempted to do our part in keeping up the scholastic standard of the school and have also made an effort to contribute to athletics and other school activities and organizations. In June we paid our tribute to the Seniors by keeping up the tradition of the Freshman Lantern Chain. 44
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