Page 82 - YB1934
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WITH the happy faculty of being able to "get along" with everyone, Louise has left us with a conviction that here is one who can be a con- scientious student, a social attraction, and an able leader all in one. Besides those activities she still has time for an extensive correspondence course. Delta Sigma Kappa, Chaplain 2, Alumnae Secretary 3, Secretary 4; Gold Bug Re- porter 2, 3, 4; ALOHA,Associate Editor 4; Le Cerde Francais 1, 2, 3, 4; Shakespeare Club 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Interna- tional Relations Club, President 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Cur- riculum Committee 2; Sponsor Company B 2; May Court 4; Honorable Mention 1, 2, 3. ANNA LOUISE NEEDY .6.~K History, English HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND Hagerstown High School • JOHN B. TIMMONS ArT Chemistry, High School Sciences CLAIBORNE, MARYLAND St. Michaels High School Alpha Gamma Tau, Secretary 3, Vice- President 4; ALOHA, Calendar Editor; In- era-Mural Sports; Officers' Club; First Lieutenant Company C, R. O. T. C. A COOL unexcitable individual, one whose origi- nal suggestions, steady naturalness, and we!! thought-out answers exemplify his bent toward the scholarly. Geniality of attitude, generosity toward all, and amiable manners have produced for us an admirable classmate. PAG E 18
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