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ALTHOUGH "Dot" serves as an information bureau to half of the school, her erudition doesn't scare us, for we know that she can be the best of companions, whose volubility is always enter- taining, the most resourceful of leaders, and the finest of friends. Delta Sigma Kappa, Editor of lug 4, Inter-Club Council 3; Beta Beta Beta His- torian 4; Gold Bug 3, News Editor 4; ALOHA, Circulation Manager 4; Y. W. C. A. 2, 3, 4; Sunday School 4; Philo- Browning Literary Society 3, 4, President 3; International Relations Club 3, Secre- tary-Treasurer 4; Choir 3, 4; Shakespeare Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Debating Team 2, Manager 3; Class Athletics 3; W. A. A. 4; May Day Committee 4; Honorable Mention 3. DOROTHY MARY PAUL ~ ~ K B B B English, Biology, High School Sciences BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Western High School • LAURLENE STRAUGHN Public School Music, French, English BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Western High School, Washington, D. C Gold Bug Reporter 4; ALOHA, Write-Up Editor; Y. W. C. A. 2, 3, Cabinet 4; College Sunday School 3, 4; Philo-Brown- ing Literary Society 3, 4; College Players 3, 4; Le Cerele Francais 3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1,2, 3, 4; Chairman May Day Committee 3; Class Athletics 1, 2. WHEN we think of Laurlene we think of indi- viduality combined with talent, poise, and a PAG E sparkling sense of humor. Her music and her dramatic ability have added to our memories of ~~ college Hill, and her friendship is invaluable.
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