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DICK'S persistence, capacity for knowledge, and achievements, coupled with a disposition at once serious and pleasant, have made him one of our outstanding students. Gamm Beta Chi; ALOHA, Junior Editor 3, Advertising Manager 4; Student Gov- ernment 2; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 4; Irv- ing-Webster Literary Society, Vice-Presi- dent 3; Debating 1, 2, 3; Debating Cou- ncil, Vice-President 3; International Re- lations Club, President 3, Vice-President 4; Curricular Revision Committee 2; Rifle Team Manager 4; Sunday School 3, 4; Boxing 1, 2, 3, 4; Officers' Club, Secre- tary;; Captain Company B, R. O. T. C. RICHARD WAGNER KIEFER rBX Economics, History CATONSVILLE, MARYLAND Catonsville High School • CORNELIA VANDERCOOK PULLEN B B B Mathematics, Biologoy TOWSON, MARYLAND Towson High School Beta Beta Beta 4; Philo-Browning Liter- ary Society 1, 2; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; ]. G. c., Shakespeare Club 4; W. A. A. 1, 2; Choir 4. "PULLEY'S" clever quips and pranks indicate a carefree personality but tell only half the story; for she can be a very sober person, whose sage observations reveal that there is something behind her dancing eyes. PA G E 64
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