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THE Eastern Shore holds claim over this ener- getic young girl, whose smile has made life more pleasant for many of us, and whose willingness and ability to do many things, varying from art to athletics, have won for her many friends. ALOHA, Art Stalf; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sunday School 3, 4; International Rela- tions Club 3, 4; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; ]. G. c.; Philo-Browning Literary Society I, 2; Home Economics Club 1, 2,3,4. MARY ELIZABETH CARTER Home Economics, High Schoo! Sciences MARION STATION, MARYLAND Marion High School • ESTHER VIRGINIA RIGHTER .6.~K English, French, History RANDALLSTOWN, MARYLAND Randallstown High School Delta Sigma Kappa, Secretary 3, Vice- President 4; Gold Bug Reporter 2, Asso- ciate Ed:tor 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. I, 2, 3; Sunday School 3, 4; Le Cercle Francais 1, 2, 3, President 4; Shakespeare Club 3, 4; College Players 3, 4; Norment Speech Contest 2; Curriculum Committee 2; Sponsor R. O. T. C. Battalion 3; Class Athletics 1, 2; Honorable Mention 1, 3; J G.. C. WITH so many qualities, "Es's" personality re- sists any cold analysis, but we can say that her many talents, together with her efficiency and common sense have won our admiration, as her unselfishness and sophisticated naivette have won our affection. PAG E 63
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