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WITH her drawl and unhurried movements Helen proclaims to the world that she is not going to let even Dr. Morrison keep her from enjoying a good book, or a bridge game, in which she always excels. Nevertheless, scholastically Helen has been able to keep abreast of the rest of us. Phi Alpha Mu, Secretary 2, Treasurer 3, Chaplain 3, Vtce- President 3, President 4; Inter-Club Council 3, 4; Philo-Brown- ing Literary Society 1, 2; Shakespeare Club 4; Episcopal Club 3, 4. HELEN WILLIAMS PYLES A M History, English POOLESVILE, MARYLAND Poolesville High School • EARLE CHARLES HISSEY AnA History, Economics BALTIMORE, MARYLAND McDonogh School Delta Pi Alpha, Secretary 3, Vice-Presi; dent 4; ALOHA, Write·Up Editor; Stu- dent Government, Secretary 4; Y. M. C. A. r, 2, 3; Sunday School 3, 4; Irving. Webster Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 1\; Le Cercle Francais 1, 2, 3; International Re- lations Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Box- ing 1, 2; Lacrosse 2; Intra-Mural Sports. THE inevitable question mark, an exclamation point, then a period, denoting final satisfaction. We wonder what "Hiss" will do; we are sur- prised when he does it; and, reflecting, we nod our approval of the result. We envy his ingenious methods, his keen perception, his unfailing humor, PAGE and his friendly self-confident personality. 59
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