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POSSESSING qualities of dependability and leadership, :'Russ" is one of the most outstanding members of the class. With equal ease she bears the responsibilities of important office, becomes an excellent athlete, and a creditable student. Sim- plicity of manner and sincerity of feeling have made for her a wide friendship. W_ W. Club, Secretary 2, Treasurer 3, Inter-Club Council 4, President 4; Stu- dent Government, Freshman Representa- tive, 1, Secretary 2, Treasurer 3, Presi- dent 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Philo- Browning Literary Society 1, 2; W. A. A. 1, 2, Secretary 3, President 4; "M" Girl; Class Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; College Sun- day School 1, 4; Episcopal Club, Presi- dent 4; ALOHA, Assistant Business Man- ager; Honorary Varsity Hockey 3, 4; Honorary Varsity Basketball 4; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; T ri Beta, Associate ANNA MAY RUSSELL Member 4. WW Biology, Matherruztics, High School Sciences, Physical Education MADDOX, MARYLAND River Springs High School • RUTH ALBAUGH GILLE LAN ~lK French, History WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Westminster High School Delta Sigma, Kappa, Chaplain 4; Home Economics Club 1, 4; Philo-Browning Literary Society 1, 4; W. A. A. 2, 3; Class Athletics 1, 2, 3. WjE have learned to admire Ruth's youthful dig. nity and: reticence, which indicate a nne pride that will be an asset in her future life; and we all wish her the best of luck and happiness, PAG E 3~
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