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MARY'S personality is one of the finest on the Hill. 'Her versatility, capability, and sincere friendliness-her voice, her smile we'll always remember. Delta Sigma Kappa, Treasurer 2, Presi- dent 4; Inter-Sorority Council 3; Presi- dent 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Librar- ian 2, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec; retary 2; Philo-Browning Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 1, 2, Vice-President 3; Class Historian 1, 2, 3; Choir 3, 4; Sunday School 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Student Government, Vice-President, 4; Class Athletics 2. MARY EVALYN PARKS ~~K Horne Economics, High School Sciences PARKSLEY, VIRGINIA Parksley High School • ADELAIDE WICKERT HORNER AM Horne Economics, High School Sciences, English WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Westminster High School Phi Alpha Mu, Court Council, 4, Ser- geant-at-Arms, 4; Philo-Browning Liter- ary Society, 1, 2; Glee Club, 2; W. A. A., 1; Honorable Mention, 1. "BENNY'S" sociability and good nature, to- gether with her laugh, are her greatest assets, for her spontaneity and vivacity are a tonic, and her interest in and love of people are a comfort and a pleasure to her many friends. PAGE 36
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