Page 47 - YB1934
P. 47
ALTHOUGH indifferent to public opinion, "J?ob" has convinced us of his worth as a go-getter whose practical idealism and conscientiousness will take him far. Delta Pi Alpha, Treasurer 4; ALOHA,Art Editor; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 1, 2, 3, 4; Irving-Webster Literary Society 1, 2, Sec- retary 3, Treasurer 4; Debating Society 3, 4; Poet's Club, President 2; Interna- tional Relations Club 3; College Players 3; Student Volunteer, President 1; Ger- man Club 2; Irving-Webster Oratorical Contest. '~,.~.. ROBERT BARRETT HOLDER .:lIlA English, History NEWARK, NEW JERSEY East Side High School • ROLAND ELLSWORTH SLIKER I1AA Physics, Mathematics, High School Sciences SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY Pi Alpha Alpha, Secretary 3, Vice-Pres- Plainfield High School ident 4; ALOHA, Assistant Editor-in- Chief; Y. M. e. A. 1, 4; Irving-Webster Literary Society, Sergeanr-at-Arms 1, President 3, 4; Choir 4; Irving Debating Team 1; Varsity Debating 2, 3, 4, Presi- dent 4; Le Cerele Francais 2; Interna- tional Relations Club 3, 4; Norment Speech Contestant 1; Curriculum Revision Committee 2; College Orchestra 1, 2; Jes- ters 1; Rifle Team 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Box- ing 2; Football 1, 2; Intra-Mural Sports, Co-Manager 4; Harry Clary Jones Schol- arship in Physics 4; Honorable Mention 1, 2, 3; Officers Club; Captain of Band, R.O. T.e. TIME and convention limit us to a mere men- tion of "Slip's" many fine qualities. In athletics as well as in literary activities, debating, and studies, he has shown his leadership to be truly extraordinary. If he continues to apply himself Pi~GE with his present assiduity, success is assured. 43·
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